Elfia Arcen: 5 Years of Fantasy Creatures - 4k Cosplay Supercut (2015 - 2020) (Elfia 2020 Arcen)

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Subscribe: http://bit.ly/sub7blade | I won't be able to make it to Elfia Arcen 2020 this weekend. So I made this Elfia Arcen 2015 - 2020 Cosplay Supercut with all the costumes and cosplays that I've filmed since my first time five years ago. I really hope this brings a spark of fantasy and dreams to those who need to stay at home this weekend during Elfia 2020 Arcen. With live dragons, faeries and other creatures of fantasy.

Donations: https://paypal.me/SevenbladeMedia

I hope to see you guys next year at Elfia Arcen 2021!
More info and tickets at: https://www.elfia.com/en/arcen/

➡ Or support me on Patreon:
Social Media:

➡ Cosplayers in this video:
• Cosplay Gene (Captain Hook) - https://www.facebook.com/cosplaygene/
••• Cosplay Gene could use your help here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ms-behandeling-voor-eugene-van-houtum
• Willow Creative - https://www.facebook.com/WillowCreative.NL/
• Nymeon Cosplay / Fantasy - https://www.facebook.com/nymeoncosplayfantasy/
• Elrotha - https://www.facebook.com/Elrotha/
• Umbrella Corp. Netherlands - https://www.facebook.com/UmbrellaCorpNetherlands/
• Eden Craft Design - https://www.facebook.com/edencraftdesign
• Albus Dumbledore Cosplay - https://www.facebook.com/DutchDumbledore/
• Dutch Lucky Luke - https://www.facebook.com/rutgerscosplay/
• Hogal Cosplay - https://www.facebook.com/HogalCosplay/

**If you spot yourself in the video and want to be credited in the description, tell me your character/franchise, cosplay name and your cosplay page.**

➡ Music Used:
ES_Deer Hunt - Bonnie Grace
ES_We Are United - Eoin Mantell

#KingdomOfElfia #Cosplay #Sevenblade #Elfia2020 #Arcen
Comic Con | Cosplay Video | Cosplay Music Video | Cosplay Cinematic
Seven Blade Cinematic 7Blade Real life Dragons, wizards, Umbrella Corp,

Arcen Fun
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